Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 10: Literature and the Arts: Why Do They Matter?

Networking Features

Creating an Online Literature Review
In an expository essay, examine the popularity of science fiction in literature and/or film. Compile a review of the literature you would use to research this topic and help write an essay about it. For each source, provide a Works Cited entry and a paragraph-long summary of the source and how it relates to your topic. For online sources, also provide a direct link to the source. Be sure to include the science fiction novels you would like to discuss.

Incorporating Audio as Support
Just as you can use visuals in a conventional paper, you can also link or refer readers to audio files or clips in an electronic essay. Write a paper on one of your favorite singers or music groups, and explain how this artist or group mirrors contemporary artistic patterns. Refer readers to free, legal samples of the artist’s work on the band’s home page or similar source, and discuss these specific songs in your essay.

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