Biology (Mader), 10th Edition

Chapter 47: Conservation of Biodiversity

Learning Outcomes

After studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.

Conservation Biology and Biodiversity

  1. Identify the role of conservation biology with regard to biodiversity.
  2. Understand that conservation biology is an applied, goal-oriented, multidisciplinary field.
  3. Recall the increase in extinction rates throughout history.
  4. Know that biodiversity encompasses diversity of species, genetics, community, and landscape in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats.
Value of Biodiversity
  1. Discuss the direct and indirect value of biodiversity.
Causes of Extinction
  1. Assess the factors responsible for the loss of biodiversity: introduction of exotic species, pollution, overexploitation, and disease.
Conservation Techniques
  1. Explain how many species can be saved from extinction through the identification and conservation of biodiversity hotspots and/or keystone species.
  2. Justify the importance of conserving populations that have been subdivided due to habitat fragmentation.
  3. Describe how computer analyses can select areas for preservation and determine the minimal population size needed for survival.
  4. Recognize that the restoration of habitats is often involved in landscape preservation.
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