Biology (Mader), 10th Edition

Chapter 26: Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses

Learning Outcomes

After studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the following outcomes.

Plant Hormones

  1. Explain the role of hormones when plant cells utilize signal transduction as a means to respond to stimuli.
  2. Compare and contrast the effects of auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene on plant growth and development.
Plant Responses
  1. Show that gravitropism, phototropism, thigmotropism, turgor movements, and sleep movements are responses to particular stimuli.
  2. Distinguish between a circadian rhythm and a biological clock.
  3. Relate photoperiodism to flowering in short-day/long-night plants and in long-day/short-night plants.
  4. Describe ways in which plants respond to their biotic environment, including physical barriers, chemical toxins, systemic mechanisms, and relationships with animals.
  5. Give examples to show that the chemical defenses of plants make good medicines for people.
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