The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, AP* Edition (King), 3rd Edition

Chapter 5: States of Consciousness

Applied Multiple Choice Questions

While driving to school, Brandon thinks about his upcoming midterms. When he reaches campus, he realizes that he doesn't remember most of the drive. Because he has been driving for several years, _____ allowed him to reach campus safely.
B)automatic processing
C)subjective consciousness
D)controlled processing
Devondra's older sister can tie her shoelaces without even looking down. Devondra knows that eventually she will be able to do the same thing, but until then, she has to use conscious attention and effort; that is, _____ to tie her shoes.
A)automatic processing
B)circadian processing
C)controlled processing
D)suprachiasmatic processing
Pietro's professor says that although many animals' behaviors are governed wholly by instinct, human beings have choices about what to do in any given situation. Thanks to evolution, humans have self-awareness, the ability to plan, and the ability to reflect on possible courses of action. These abilities are components of a larger framework we call
B)the preconscious.
Most of the time, Shandra has no problems sleeping soundly. When things get hectic at work, however, she finds that she has trouble falling asleep and feeling rested when she wakes. Because Shandra feels even more tired when she is stressed, she thinks she should be sleeping better; however, we know that
A)stress can decrease sleep quality.
B)people who sleep during the day usually get more rest than those who sleep at night.
C)the human body is unable to manage stress of any kind, so Shandra needs more sleep than she can possibly get in a single day.
D)the stress in our lives has no effect on our sleep.
Vince prefers to take classes later in the day and feels he is most productive in the afternoon and evening. His friend, Francesca, prefers to go to bed early and get up early, and she claims to feel more productive in the morning. Vince and Francesca's preferences may be regulated by biological cycles called
A)circadian rhythms.
C)activation synthesis.
D)automatic processing.
Theresa's mother and father have come to visit her for the holidays. Unfortunately, her father snores loudly and he is keeping her awake. She notices that from time to time his breathing stops completely and then restarts. Her father may have
B)a REM-sleep behavior disorder.
C)night terrors.
D)sleep apnea.
Twila has no problems going to sleep at night, but she wakes up often during the night and considerably earlier than she would like to each morning. She does not feel rested when she gets up for the day, and since the problem has existed for weeks, her job performance is affected. What is Twila's problem?
C)sleep apnea
D)a REM-sleep behavior disorder
Zach often goes drinking with friends. Over time, he realizes that he can drink significantly more alcohol than he used to and still not get drunk. His body's decreasing responsiveness to the drug is called
Carrie's psychology teacher asks the class to take a few minutes and write down anything that comes to mind. She tells the class it doesn't need to make sense or be in any logical order. This exercise is most likely meant to demonstrate _____ to Carrie and her classmates.
B)stream of consciousness
C)controlled processing
Kelly has a dream about being on a picnic date with her boyfriend when a snake comes along and chokes them. She goes to see a therapist to ask what the dream means and he questions her on what each of the images represents to her. Kelly is reporting the _____ of her dream and asking her therapist to provide her with the _____ of her dream.
A)manifest content; latent content
B)latent content; manifest content
C)somnambulism; somniloquy
D)somniloquy; somnambulism
King: The Science of Psychology, 3rd Edition
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