Economics (McConnell), AP* Edition, 20th Edition

Chapter 15: Wage Determination (+ Appendix)

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

LO 15.1

Explain why labor productivity and real hourly compensation track so closely over time.

LO 15.2

Show how wage rates and employment levels are determined in competitive labor markets.

LO 15.3

Demonstrate how monopsony (a market with a single employer) can reduce wages below competitive levels.

LO 15.4

Discuss how unions increase wage rates by pursuing the demandenhancement model, the craft union model, or the industrial union model.

LO 15.5

Explain why wages and employment are determined by collective bargaining in a situation of bilateral monopoly.

LO 15.6

Discuss how minimum wage laws affect labor markets.

LO 15.7

List the major causes of wage differentials.

LO 15.8

Identify the types, benefits, and costs of "pay-for-performance" plans.

LO 15.9

(Appendix) Relate who belongs to U.S. unions, the basics of collective bargaining, and the economic effects of unions.

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