Economics Today and Tomorrow, Florida

Chapter 12: The American Labor Force

The American Labor Force

Which of the following statements about job categories is TRUE?
A)Professionals are workers whose jobs require some training, often using modern technology.
B)Skilled workers are workers who have college degrees and, often, additional education or training.
C)Semiskilled workers are workers who have learned a trade or a craft, either through a vocational school or as an apprentice to an experienced worker.
D)Unskilled workers have jobs that require no specialized training but do require good general employment skills.
All of the following statements about supply and demand in the labor market are true EXCEPT __________
A)if workers are relatively scarce in an area, companies have to pay higher wages to attract workers to move there.
B)the supply of employees who desire to work in prestigious industries, like filmmaking, is high, so these employees demand higher wages.
C)the demand for employees who will perform unpleasant or dangerous work is high, but the supply of laborers willing to do the work may be low.
D)because the demand for highly talented individuals is usually high, whereas the supply of such employees is often scarce, a shortage occurs.
Unionism in the late 1800s and early 1900s met strong resistance from all of the following sources EXCEPT __________
A)businesses that refused to hire union members .
B)courts that upheld the laws passed by state legislatures.
C)state legislatures that passed laws against unions.
The membership policy in an agency shop is that __________
A)the company can hire only union members.
B)employees are not required to join the union, but they must pay union dues.
C)the company can hire only employees who are not union members.
D)new employees must join the union after a specified period of time.
The major issues over which union contracts are negotiated include all the following EXCEPT __________
A)working conditions and working hours.
B)job security and grievance procedures.
C)job training.
Strikes may trigger certain actions by workers and management. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the results of failed negotiations?
A)Picketing is meant to discourage workers from crossing the picket line to work for the employer.
B)An injunction is a court order requested by the union to prevent a strike from continuing or even occurring.
C)Management sometimes uses boycotts to prevent workers from returning to work until they agree to a new contract.
D)In a lockout, arbitrators urge the public not to purchase goods or services produced by a company.
Which of the following statements about unions today is NOT TRUE?
A)Employers argue that union rules decrease productivity in the workplace.
B)Union membership continues to decline because of the changing nature of the economy.
C)Union membership has steadily increased since about 1955.
D)Collective bargaining is on the decline because all workers enjoy better wages, working conditions, and job security.
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