Georgia's Exploring Our World: Africa, Southwest Asia, and Southern and Eastern Asia © 2012

Chapter 9: Southern and Eastern Asia Today

Web Activity Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students learned about issues in Southern and Eastern Asia today. China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. A vital component to China's economy is Hong Kong. Not only is this city a valuable port, it is also a major cultural center. Its culture shows Western and Chinese influences.

Lesson Description
Students will visit PBS's Weekend Explorer site to read information about Hong Kong's history and current social customs and etiquette. Discuss different customs and how something that may seem rude in one culture is acceptable in others.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The learner will explain events relating to Hong Kong's colorful history.
  2. The learner will be able to describe current social and cultural practices in Hong Kong.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Great Britain
  2. Hong Kong's population grew from 4,000 in 1841 to more than 23,000 by 1847. Profits to be made from trade, especially the opium trade, and freedom from Chinese feudalism lured many newcomers.
  3. You should never hang a mirror above a bed's headboard.
  4. No; your Hong Kong friend would assume that you were cooling the soup.
  5. You should leave a little food on your plate at the end of a meal because a clean plate would insult your host by suggesting that he had not served you enough food.
  6. You should first shake hands, bowing slightly as you do so, then extend the card with both hands.

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