Georgia's Exploring Our World: Africa, Southwest Asia, and Southern and Eastern Asia © 2012

Chapter 7: Physical Geography of Southern and Eastern Asia

Web Activity Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students learned about the physical geography of Southern Asia and how geography affects the culture, economy, and settlement of the region. Some geographic factors have played a major role in the development of civilizations. Students will explore a PBS Web site that contains information about the Khyber Pass. Two articles and a map allow the students to answer questions about this region and analyze the impact of the Khyber Pass on the region.

Lesson Description
Students will visit a PBS Web site. On this Web site, they will view a map and read two articles that describe the geography and history of Peshawar, Pakistan, and the Khyber Pass. Then students will answer questions relating to the map and articles.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The learner will locate Peshawar and the Khyber Pass on a map of Southern Asia.
  2. The learner will describe geographical characteristics and historical uses of the Khyber Pass.
  3. The learner will be able to analyze the importance of the Hindu Kush and the Khyber Pass on the region.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Afghanistan and Pakistan
  2. It is about 33 miles long and only 50 feet wide at the narrowest point.
  3. The pass has been used by traders, immigrants, and invaders wishing to travel to India.
  4. a road through the pass; a complex railway with 34 tunnels and 94 bridges
  5. Students may suggest that control of the Khyber Pass would allow a country to control the trade of the region.

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