United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 26: Development of Economic Systems

Student Web Activities

A number of nations have had significant industrial growth in recent decades. Many of these countries are transitioning from a command economy to a market economy. In this activity, you will learn about the challenges that Brazil, Russia, and China have faced as their economies emerged.

Destination Title: CIA The World Factbook

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• Click on "Select a Country or Location" near the top of the screen.
• Scroll down and click on "Brazil."
• Scroll down to "Economy Overview" and read the information, taking notes as you do. • Use the back arrow to get back to the home page, and then find "Russia" and read the "Economic Overview" about that country. Take notes.
• Use the back arrow to get back to the home page, and then find "China" and read the "Economic Overview" about that country. Take notes.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

What have been the "three pillars" of Brazil's economic policy?
What were President Medvedev's economic priorities for Russia?
Why must the issues of infrastructure, corruption, and rule of law be confronted in Russia?
What economic challenges does China's government face?
Select a country of your choice at the CIA The World Factbook site. Summarize its "Economy Overview."
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