United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 16: Political Parties

Student Web Activities

Are you a Republican? Democrat? Independent? Whatever your parents are? Don't know? In this activity, you will learn about the history and platforms of the two major parties in American politics. Then decide which party appeals the most to you.

Destination Titles:

The Democratic Party

The Republican Party

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window.
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• Explore the Democratic Party Web site. From the home page, click on "Our Party: Party History."
• Read the information, takings notes as you do.
• Under "Our Party," click on "The Democratic Platform" and read the information.
• Explore the Republican Party Web site. From the home page, click on "About the GOP: GOP History."
• Read the information, taking notes as you do.
• Under "About the GOP," click on "Party Platform" and read the information.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

According to the Democratic Party history page, who founded the Democratic Party and why?
Which presidents of the twentieth century have been Democrats?
Who was the first Republican to win the White House?
According to the GOP History page, what are the basic principles of the Republican Party?
Write a short essay explaining which party platform appeals the most to you. Why?
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