United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 13: Constitutional Freedoms

Self-Check Quizzes

What was the importance of the Fourteenth Amendment?
A)It introduced due process.
B)It incorporated most of the Bill of Rights.
C)It ended slavery.
D)It limited government in religious matters.
Thomas Jefferson's phrase, "wall of separation" between church and state, supports the _____.
A)entire First Amendment
B)entire Bill of Rights
C)establishment clause
D)free exercise clause
State-funded busing was allowed in Everson v. Board of Education because _____.
A)field trips are an important part of learning
B)schools need to be integrated
C)a separate Jewish school district needed help
D)students, not religion, were benefiting
Which of these is NOT part of the Lemon test to determine whether state aid to church schools is constitutional?
A)The aid must have a parochial purpose.
B)The aid must have a secular purpose.
C)The aid must neither advance nor inhibit religion.
D)The aid must avoid government entanglement with religion.
Which of the following actions is constitutional in federally funded public schools?
A)a nondenominational prayer to open the school day
B)a moment of silence for "meditation or voluntary prayer"
C)clergy-led prayers at school graduations
D)meetings of student-led religious clubs after school
When interpreting the free exercise clause, the Court applies some restrictions to religious _____.
Which of the following types of speech is constitutionally protected?
A)seditious speech
B)defamatory speech
C)unpopular speech
D)fighting words
Which case prohibited government censorship of the media?
A)Sheppard v. Maxwell
B)Near v. Minnesota
C)Tinker v. Des Moines
D)Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire
Why are radio and television given fewer First Amendment protections than print media?
A)They reach a larger audience.
B)They charge for advertising.
C)They use public airwaves.
D)They operate a monopoly.
Which of the following is a limit on assembly?
A)Unpopular ideas must be limited.
B)Demonstrators cannot criticize the government.
C)People can only assemble on private property.
D)Demonstrators must obtain a permit.
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