United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 8: The Presidency

Student Web Activities

Although the president and vice president often diversify their geographic bases and other skills as they run as a team for election, they definitely hold the same political ideology. Imagine if they did not hold the same political views. In the election of 1840, the Whig Party nominated General William Henry Harrison, a hero of the Battle of Tippecanoe and War of 1812. The Whigs nominated John Tyler—a Southerner and former Democrat—as Harrison 's running mate. Adopting the campaign slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," Harrison won the election. After delivering a two-hour Inaugural Address on a bitterly cold day, Harrison caught pneumonia and died 32 days later. In this activity, you will see what happened after Vice President John Tyler succeeded to the presidency.

Destination Title: The White House

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window.
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• From the home page, click on "History & Tours" at the top part of the screen.
• Then click on the "Presidents" link at the left side of the screen.
• From this page, click on "Past Presidents" underneath "The White House" title bar.
• Scroll down to the presidential portraits. Click on the arrow pointing right and then click on the portrait of "John Tyler 1841–1845."
• Then click on "Read Full Bio."
• Read the information about John Tyler, taking notes as you do.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

Why was Tyler called "His Accidency"?
What was the basic reason the Whig Party formed?
Why did the Whigs nominate Tyler for vice president?
What happened after Tyler vetoed a bank bill and a higher tariff?
Return to The White House Web site and click on a vice president. Read the full biography of the vice president and write a summary of his relationship with the president.
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