United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 7: Congress at Work

Student Web Activities

How does Congress carry out its legislative and nonlegislative functions? What has Congress done lately? In this activity, you will learn about recent resolutions and measures of the Senate and House of Representatives. You will also see what the "week ahead" holds for our nation's lawmakers.

Destination Title: THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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• Find the head "Current Activity" on the right side of the screen. Under that head, click on "Yesterday in Congress."
• Summarize one House Resolution and one Senate Resolution.
• Use the back arrow to return to the home page.
• Click on "Congressional Record Latest Daily Digest" underneath the head "Current Activity."
• On the "Daily Digest" page, scroll through the information under Senate Chamber Action and House Chamber Action. Summarize a Senate measure and a House measure that was introduced, reported, passed, or placed on a calendar.
• Continue scrolling down to Congressional Program Ahead.
• Read through the document, and identify a committee meeting you would be interested in attending and why.

Use the information you found to complete the activity below.

Identify a House Resolution, its sponsor and cosponsor(s), the committee(s), and latest major action.
Identify a Senate Resolution, its sponsor and cosponsor(s), the committee(s), and latest major action.
Summarize a Senate measure that was introduced, reported, passed, or placed on a calendar.
Summarize a House measure that was introduced, reported, passed, or placed on a calendar.
Which committee meeting would you be interested in attending? Why?
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