Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 8: Audio

Go Online Activities 8.1

8.1 Explore Audio in Multimedia

Explore commonly used audio file formats and the factors that control the quality of audio files.

Read the questions below.
Click on the Destination Site link(s) to open a new browser window.
Apply what you learn to answer the questions.
Check your work carefully, and click Submit.

Destination Site: Multimedia Sound Formats
Destination Site: Audacity: Sample Rates

Note: If a link is inactive or to find other Internet sites with similar information, get permission from your teacher to use a search engine.
Here are some keywords you might use:
audio file formats, audio quality, audio sampling rate

According to the first destination Web site, what is an advantage of the Real Audio format? A disadvantage?
As explained on the first destination Web site, how can you determine the format of a specific audio file? For example, how can a Wave file be identified?
As explained on the second destination Web site, why is 44.1 kHz the standard sampling rate for audio CDs?
What does the second destination Web site say are three reasons that audio might be recorded at a bandwdith of less than 20 kHz?
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