Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 5: Visual Design for Multimedia

Practice Quizzes

Test your understanding of chapter material with these self-scoring assessment activities.

What is the difference between a form and a shape?
A)A form is always surrounded by space whereas a shape may or may not be surrounded by space.
B)A form has one dimension whereas a shape has two dimensions.
C)A form has three dimensions whereas a shape has two dimensions.
D)A form has sharp, jagged edges whereas a shape has a smoother, wavelike shape.
A blue color used on a brochure has a dull, muted appearance. What term would describe this color?
A)The color has a high value.
B)The color has a low value.
C)The color has high intensity.
D)The color has low intensity.
A brochure uses a consistent color scheme on each of its pages. What principle of visual design is being followed?
In a presentation, all the objects on the slides are sized according to their importance. What principle of visual design is being followed?
Which of these would be most likely to improve the accessibility of a Web site for individuals with limited mobility?
A)Provide voice recognition technology to allow the use of spoken words in place of keyboard input.
B)Provide text descriptions of video content and transcripts of presentations.
C)Provide controls to pause and continue playback in video presentations.
D)Use colors that provide a high contrast between a page's content and its background.
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