Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 2: Multimedia Online

Practice Quizzes

Test your understanding of chapter material with these self-scoring assessment activities.

What are the computers called that manage files and other resources on a network?
A)Communication lines
D)Web browsers
What is the primary advantage of using Wi-Fi?
A)It provides a stable dial-up connection.
B)You do not need to use a Web browser when accessing the Internet.
C)It allows you to connect to the Internet without using cables or cords.
D)It is less expensive than traditional Internet connections.
In what situation would File Transfer Protocol be useful?
A)You want to access the Web without having an actual physical connection such as cables or wires.
B)A group of workers wants to use a standardized method of uploading and downloading files over the Internet.
C)You want potential customers to be able to access your e-commerce Web site.
D)You want to be able to send e-mail to friends and co-workers over the Internet.
Why is Hypertext Transfer Protocol vital to the Web?
A)It allows different types of hardware devices to communicate with one another.
B)It provides a standard protocol for uploading and downloading files.
C)It allows e-mail to be directed to a specific address.
D)It allows you navigate from one Web page to another as needed.
An online game is available for downloading over the Internet. To legally use this game, you are required to pay a small free to its copyright holder. What type of software is this?
C)Browser software
D)Commercial software
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