Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 1: Multimedia Fundamentals

Practice Quizzes

Test your understanding of chapter material with these self-scoring assessment activities.

Which of these is an example of interactive media?
A)Music playing in the background during a presentation.
B)Text that rotates in a circle when it is displayed.
C)Video that is streamed to your computer over the Web.
D)An online form that allows you to register for a charity bike ride.
What statement is true concerning video games?
A)Video games generally use a wide variety of multimedia elements.
B)Video games rarely allow for user feedback.
C)Video games are primarily used for education.
D)Video games are often incorporated into slide shows.
At the next meeting of your school's robotics club, you want to give a report on a money-raising event. What type of multimedia project would be most helpful in presenting this report?
You use your multimedia skills to volunteer to maintain your school's Web site. What type of extended learning activity is this?
A)Service learning experience
C)Curricular experience
D)Extracurricular experience
You want an extended learning experience that is most similar to actually working in your chosen field. What would be your best choice?
A)Curricular experience
C)Job shadowing
D)Extracurricular experience
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