Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 1

Which of the following is the correct order for managing a to-do list?
A)Make your list, plan your schedule, identify responsibilities and goals, establish priorities
B)Identify responsibilities and goals, make your list, establish priorities, plan your schedule
C)Establish priorities, plan your schedule, make your list, and identify responsibilities and goals
D)Plan your schedule, establish priorities, make your list, identify responsibilities and goals
What is a simple way to prioritize?
A)Decide which tasks must be done, should be done, or are optional
B)Do the optional tasks first
C)Toss a coin to decide which task to do first
D)Ignore deadlines
What is one way to plan your schedule?
A)Memorize your schedule
B)Rely on family and friends to remind you of dates
C)Use a calendar
D)Schedules do not require planning
Which of the following is not a time trap?
B)Over scheduling
Why would leisure time require time management?
A)You do not need to schedule leisure time because it should just fit into your schedule
B)It is important to make time to relax and find balance in your life
C)Leisure time is not important enough to schedule into your life
D)Leisure is not an activity to be managed
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