The American Journey Early Years © 2011

Chapter 8: The Federalist Era

Web Activity Lesson Plans

"John Adams's First Lady"

In this chapter students learned about the presidency of John Adams in post-Revolutionary America. They have learned about John Adams and the role he played as statesman and president of the United States. A guiding force in his life was first lady, Abigail Adams. An unusually outspoken women of her times, Abigail kept in constant contact with her husband, even when they were often separated, and counseled him on affairs of state. She was known for her lengthy letters and journal writing, and she especially kept in contact with acquaintances and friends in Great Britain and France.

Lesson Description
In this chapter students learned about the presidency of John Adams in post-Revolutionary America. In this activity they learn about his wife, Abigail Adams when they visit a Web site detailing her life and her opinions on public matters. Most important was the influence she held with her husband before and after he was president. After answering questions they will write a letter, as Abigail Adams, to a friend in Great Britain.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The learner will be able to identify important points in the lives of John and Abigail Adams.
  2. The learner will analyze the opinions held by Abigail Adams.
  3. The learner will be able to write a personal letter expressing an opinion.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Born, November 11, 1744; Died, October 28, 1818
  2. She was against slavery and thought it should be abolished.
  3. Opponents thought she had too much control or persuasive powers over the president.
  4. Religion was a very large part of their lives. Abigail was the daughter of a minister.
  5. Letters will vary but should show that Abigail would be a strong supporter of equality for women and all people.
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