Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 17: Plan Sewing Projects

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 17.1 Sewing Machine Basics

  1. Organization, preparation, and consideration.
  2. Keep the stitches loose so that the hemline does not pucker.
  3. Answers will vary depending on projects selected. The advanced project requires skill, experience, and knowledge of sewing terms that a beginner would not yet know.
  4. Findings will vary depending on time period selected. Answers should include details about the materials and techniques used by a specific group of people for making or obtaining clothing.

Section 17.2 Patterns, Fabrics, and Notions

  1. Number of pattern pieces, number of seams, garment fit, and closures.
  2. Crosswise threads, pattern, weave, color, finish, and label.
  3. It is strong and smooth, has even thickness, and resists tangling.
  4. Make list of the fabric, equipment, tools, and notions appropriate for the outfit you selected. Present the information as a “how to” report with detailed and logical steps.
  5. Samples may include any fabric that is unique to or typical of certain cultures, such as Guatemalan weavings used for blankets, Chinese or Indian silk used for clothing or home furnishings, or Indonesian batiks used for quilting.
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