Food, Nutrition & Wellness ©2010

Chapter 19: Organizing the Table

Chapter Summaries

When you shop for appliances, compare the price, features, warranty, and energy efficiency. Choose major and small appliances to match your needs. Major appliances include the range, refrigerator-freezer, and dishwasher. To get the most use from your appliances, follow the owner's manual, keep them clean and well cared for, use them safely, and keep energy efficiency in mind. Choose cookware that is appropriate for use on the cooktop, oven, or microwave oven. To prepare foods easily and successfully, use the right kitchen tools for the job: for measuring, cutting, mixing, cooking, and draining.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
major appliance convection oven
EnergyGuide label microwave oven
Energy Star small appliance
range cookware
conventional oven bakeware

Academic Vocabulary
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