Economics Principles and Practices © 2012

Chapter 18: Global Economic Challenges

Student Web Activity

"The Environmental Protection Agency"

Pollution is the contamination of air, water, or soil by the discharge of poisonous or noxious substances. Pollution is a problem that most countries face today. Pollution does not occur on its own; it occurs because people and firms have an incentive to pollute. If that incentive can be removed, pollution will be less of a problem. In this activity, you will learn more about prevention of pollution and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Destination Title: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Start at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Web site. Print a copy or read the articles on screen and answer the following questions.

Select the "About EPA" option from the menu, and then select "Our Mission and What We Do". What is the mission of the EPA as described in the Strategic Plan?
Return to the EPA home page. Describe one of the current environmental issues discussed on the main page.
What are some of the educational resources available to students on the EPA site?
Find the "My Environment" section on the EPA home page and enter your Zip code. Describe the environmental conditions where you live.
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