Economics: Today and Tomorrow © 2012

Chapter 5: Buying the Necessities

Web Activity Lesson Plans

"Location, Location, Location"

Students have read about the monetary costs, the trade-offs, and the opportunity costs associated with purchasing a home. In this lesson, students will compare housing costs and the costs of living in their own area against four other cities.

Lesson Description
Students will use information from the Web site to record information on costs of living, home purchase costs, median family income, and property taxes for five cities (including their own area). Students will answer four questions and then use what they have learned to prepare review of the city that they feel provides the highest quality of life for its residents.

Previous Knowledge Expected
Trade-off: sacrificing one good or service to purchase or produce another

Applied Content Standards (from the Council for Economic Education)Standard 8: Prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers. When supply or demand changes, market prices adjust, affecting incentives.

Instructional Objectives
  1. Students will be able to compare housing costs in their community to housing costs in four other areas.
  2. Students will be able to use this information to write reviews of the cities with the best living standards.
Student Web Activity Answers
  1. Cost of living standards will vary. Comparison against the national average will also vary.
  2. Home purchase costs will vary.
  3. Sales taxes rates will vary.
  4. Employment rates will vary.
  5. Students' reviews will vary but should be supported by cost data, education statistics, quality of life factors, crime and population figures, and climate information. Trade-offs may also be cited.
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