World Geography and Cultures © 2012

Chapter 29: Physical Geography of Southeast Asia

Student Web Activities


In this chapter you read about the physical geography of Southeast Asia. One of the more distinctive features in this region are the number of volcanoes. The nation of Indonesia has over 300 volcanoes, some of the most active lying on the island of Java. Scientists today try to measure volcanic activity to prevent disastrous results.

Students will research volcanic activity in Indonesia and study ways scientist are trying to prevent volcanoes from causing disastrous results by monitoring volcanic activity.

Research credible websites and complete the questions and activity that follows:

Where to begin

Take notes as well as record the websites you visit and answer the following questions:

What scale is used to measure the volcanic eruptions? Where did the eruption of Krakatau in 1883 fall on the scale and how does this compare to other volcanic eruptions?
What is the name of scientists that study volcanoes?
Besides studying earthquake activity, what else do scientists examine to track volcanic activity?
What types of environmental problems can be caused by volcanic eruptions, such as those of Krakatau?
If you lived near a volcano, what types of things might you want to know?

Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
In recent years, there have been major movies made about the eruptions of volcanoes and the effects on surrounding people. Research these films and compile a list of facts from the movies, and elements simply added for entertainment value. In you opinion, do films that deal with natural disasters have importance, more than simply entertaining an audience. Discuss this issue with your classmates.

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