World Geography and Cultures © 2012

Chapter 22: The Region Today: Africa South of the Sahara

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“Economic Development”

In this chapter you learned about the region of Africa South of the Sahara. This region faces some of world's most difficult challenges. Most of the nations are still developing and lack significant infrastructure and political stability to thrive economically. Further, nations face harsh geographic and climate conditions, local conflicts, and the threat of disease, especially AIDS.

Lesson Description
Students will study the challenges faced by this regions, and examine what it will take to help this region develop economic strength in today's world.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Student answers will vary, but might include, imperialism, disease, and local conflict.
  2. Student answers may vary, but might include that millions of deaths caused by the disease have led to a decrease in potential labor, and money needed to improve the economic development is being spend on the prevention and treatment of the disease.
  3. Student answers will vary, but might include that literacy rate relates to education level, which directly correlates to the types of job people are able to hold.
  4. The commission was formed to help the economic and social development of Africa. It was established by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
  5. Student answers might vary, but they may mention the number of natural resources abundant in many parts of the region as a key to economic development.

Student answers will vary depending on the country they choose to research

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