World Geography and Cultures © 2012

Chapter 15: Cultural Geography of Russia

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“Russian Literature”

The chapter discusses the unique contributions of Russia in the fields of art, music, and literature. Russian authors and poets of the 19 th Century reflected the great social unrest of their time. This trend continued until the oppressive regime of the communist government during Soviet rule, when literature was largely controlled by the government.

Lesson Description
Students will trace and examine the significance of literature to Russian society through much of its existence.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Most early Russian literature was from the Eastern Orthodox Church
  2. Student responses will vary; many consider War and Peace to be Tolstoy's greatest novel.
  3. Crime and Punishment; Dostoyevsky's radical ideas caused him to be sent to prison and then later to the military in Siberia. In his later years, his idealistic ideas were replaced with great religious convictions.
  4. Both writers wrote during the 19 th Century of czarist Russia, many of their writings focused on politics and the problems of society at the time.
  5. sonnets: Shakespeare
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