World Geography and Cultures © 2012

Chapter 12: Cultural Geography of Europe

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“Religion in Europe”

Religion has played a dominant role in shaping the cultural heritage of Europe. The many different cultural groups of Europe practice a number of different religions including Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, and Islam. Though most nations have a dominant religion, the idea of religious freedom is valued across the continent.

Lesson Description
Students will use the internet to learn about religion in Europe, including the types of religion and how it played a dominate role in shaping the cultural heritage of Europe.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Student responses will vary.
  2. Germanic religions were polytheistic, or they worshipped more than one god. The gods were divided into two main categories – sky and earth.
  3. Islam; immigration is considered to be the main cause of this growth.
  4. Student responses will vary.
  5. Student responses will vary and dependent upon the interpretation of some European wars.
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