Carpentry & Building Construction

Unit 4: Wood Frame Construction


Planning for Construction

Planning is important to any construction project, and the bigger the project, the more complex the plan. An effective plan coordinates the many skills, resources, and materials required for the building construction. It will take into account a project's scheduling, budget, site safety, required materials, environmental impact, and regulatory requirements.

The Task
Even a relatively simple building project needs a plan. Members of a community garden in your neighborhood want to build a modest greenhouse. They have raised enough money through donations to pay for the project, but they are not sure how to begin. You have offered to help them plan their next steps. This means listening closely to their goals and determining their resources and needs. Then you will make a step by step guide. Your plan for the greenhouse should include the following

  • an overview of how the greenhouse will be used;
  • an assessment of resources required;
  • site development suggestions;
  • visual guides.
The Process
To complete your plan, you will need to follow these steps.

Here are some ideas to improve your plan.

  1. A greenhouse should ideally be placed so that it receives enough sunlight. Consider the placement of the greenhouse in relation to nearby trees and buildings.
  2. Members of the community garden hope to maintain the garden even during the construction process. The best plan will minimize disruption to other uses of the garden.
  3. The community gardeners care about the environment. Look for ways to make this a green building.

Consider these suggestions as you finish your plan.

  • Talk to friends and neighbors who garden. Does your plan take into account your area's climate and growing seasons?
  • Decide on the most logical and clear method to present your step by step plan. Include visual aids where appropriate.
  • Present your greenhouse plan to your classmates, and then turn in your finished plan to your teacher.
  • Prefabricated buildings are a popular option. However, even if units are factory-built, planning is still required. If the community gardeners had purchased a prefabricated greenhouse, how would your planning process be different?
  • Even once construction begins, the planning is not done. Why do plans need regular revisions?
  • Why is good communication such an important part of early planning?
  • Many construction teams include a project manager, who oversees planning and management of staff and resources. What traits and professional skills would help a person excel as a project manager?
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