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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to B. Wordsworth, what can a poet do?
communicate with bees
cry for everything
laugh at the world's troubles
see significance in suffering

2.What did the narrator pray for when B. Wordsworth left?
that he would see B. Wordsworth again
that he would grow up to be the greatest poet ever
that he had four cents with which to buy B. Wordsworth's poem
that he could cry for everything

3.What happened to the narrator when he returned home after leaving B. Wordsworth's house?
He sold B. Wordsworth's poem to his mother.
He was stung by a bee.
His mother beat him.
He wrote his first poem.

4.What was B. Wordsworth's goal in writing his "greatest poem in the world"?
to write a poem that would sing to all humanity
to create a work of art that would last forever
to write a work as beautiful as W. Wordsworth's best work
to capture the soul of Port-of-Spain

5.What does the narrator promise B. Wordsworth near the end of the story?
to never tell his mother about B. Wordsworth
to take care of the wild trees in his yard
to complete his greatest poem in the world for him
to go away and never come back to see him

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