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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.In "A Room of One's Own," what question does Woolf pose at the beginning of the passage?
why women did not write poetry in the Elizabethan age
why Shakespeare and not a sister was so successful
why women in the Elizabethan age married so young
if Professor Trevelyan ever studied women's literature

2.What eventually happens to Woolf's imaginary Judith Shakespeare?
She becomes the first successful woman writer in England.
She lives the rest of her long life in obscurity.
She kills herself one winter's night.
She cowrites many of her brother's most famous works.

3.What does Woolf say would have happened to any highly gifted woman in the sixteenth century who tried to use her gift for poetry?
She would have been thwarted and hindered by other people.
She would have been executed.
She would have been imprisoned.
She would have been encouraged in her art.

4.Had a woman the courage to write and publish works in Elizabethan England, what would have happened to her work, according to Woolf?
It would have been burned.
It would have been wrongly credited to a man.
It would have gone unsigned.
It would have been held up as an example to all women.

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