The American Journey Early Years

Chapter 8: The Federalist Era

Student Web Activity

"John Adams's First Lady"

In this chapter you have learned about John Adams and the role he played as statesman and president of the United States in the late 1700s. A guiding force in his life was first lady, Abigail Adams. An unusually outspoken women of her times, Abigail kept in constant contact with her husband, even when they were often separated, and counseled him on affairs of state. She was known for her lengthy letters and journal writing, and she especially kept in contact with acquaintances and friends in Great Britain and France.

Destination Title: Abigail Adams

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Start at the Abigail Adams Web site referenced above.
  • Read through the page.
  • Note from the bibliography at the end that many volumes of Abigail Adams's letters exist.

After you have read the information, answer the following questions.

When was Abigail Adams born and when did she die?
What was Abigail Adams's opinion of owning enslaved workers?
Why did some of John Adams's opponents call Abigail "Her Majesty?"
What part did religion play in the lives of John Adams and his wife?
After reading the web site detailing the life of Abigail Adams and her beliefs, imagine she is the First Lady today. Write a letter, as she might, to a friend in Great Britain about the state of the equality for women issue in the country today.
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