The American Journey Early Years

Chapter 4: Growth of theThirteen Colonies

Student Web Activity

"Magna Carta"

In this chapter you learned about government and culture in the colonies. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, established the concept of limited government. This concept was already an accepted part of English government when the colonists began to develop their own local governments based on the English principles with which they were familiar.

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At the starting page, read the information about the Magna Carta. Use what you learn to answer the questions below.

What minor wording change to the "Articles of the Barons" made the Magna Carta more important?
Why would this change be significant to future generations?
Explain why the views of Sir Edward Coke were important to the developing government in the United States.
What characteristics did the colonists hope their government would posess?
Explain what is meant by John Adams quote "A government of laws, and not of men."
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