Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 4: Nutrition

Student Web Activities: Lesson 3: Healthy Snacks

"Healthy Snacks".

Like most teens, you need to snack to keep your energy level up. As a result, what you eat between meals has a big impact on your overall health. On the Web site below you will learn about the importance of healthy eating and how to choose and prepare healthy snack foods.

Link to explore: BAM Nutrition:


  • Start at the BAM (Body and Mind) Nutrition Web site.
  • Read through the three pages on healthy eating. Be sure to click on the “Q&A” and “Under the Microscope” links and read about food facts and labels on foods as well. Take notes as you read.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information from the link, compare three different recipes for snacks under “Cool Treats” and decide which is the most nutritious.

Why is healthy eating important for teens?
Why is it so important to check the labels on snack foods?
What are some examples of snack food ingredients to avoid?
What are 4 of the 18 things you need to consider when looking at a food label on snack food?
If you want to cut calories, what are three things you need to do when looking at a food label?
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