Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 16: The Environment and Your Health

Student Web Activities: Lesson 2: Being Proactive about the Environment

Young people make up almost 30 percent of the world's population. That is why it is so important for them to be involved in environmental issues. On the Web site below, which was developed by the United Nations, you will learn about what teens around the world are doing to help the environment. You will also learn how you can make your own voice heard.

Link to explore: TUNZA – The United Nations Environment Programme: http://www.unep.org/tunza/youth/index.asp


  • Start at the TUNZA Web site.
  • Click on and read the "About TUNZA," "Youth Action Around the World,” “Publications," "Links," "What You Always Wanted to Know" links. Take notes as you go.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below
  • Finally, using the information from the links, create a "You Can Make a Difference" email urging teens to help protect the environment. List Web sites where they can find out how.

What language does the word TUNZA come from and what does it mean?
What did teens in Sweden do to help protect their environment?
What are the titles of three of the publications TUNZA has published to help teens learn about the environment?
What does advocacy mean?
What is sustainable development?
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