Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 15: Personal Safety

Student Web Activities: Lesson 3: Street Smarts

Keeping yourself safe when you are away from home is a skill you need to practice. There are several things to think about when it comes to safety. Where you are going, who you will be with, the time of day, how you will get home, and what to do if you have a problem. On the Web site below, you will learn how to think smart and stay safe in any situation.

Link to explore: Safety on the Streets: http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/safety_on_the_streets.html


  • Start at the Safety on the Streets Web site.
  • Read through each of the four sections, taking notes as you go.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below
  • • Finally, using the information from the links, create a "Street Smarts" slogan and poster that can be posted at school and public places around town. Examples of safety slogans can be seen at: http://www.safetycenter.navy.mil/ashore/articles/recreation/slogans.htm

Why should you always get your own drink at a party?
What are six precautions to take when you know you will be away from home?
When you are walking in an unfamiliar neighborhood, what are three tips for staying safe?
Why is it important to be cautious around strangers who seem charming?
In addition to the tips mentioned above, what is another way to be prepared for any problems you might encounter when you are out?
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