Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 11: Personal Health and Consumer Choices

Student Web Activities: Lesson 2: Caring for Your Hearing

The mechanism that lets you hear is delicate and needs to be protected from damaging sounds. On the Web site below, you will learn about tinnitus and damage to your hearing that can be caused by loud sounds and music. You will discover how musicians protect their hearing, and what you can do to prevent injury to your ears.

Link to explore: Musicians and Music Lovers (American Tinnitus Association) http://www.ata.org/action_alliance/action_alliance_musicians.php


  • Start at the Musicians and Music Lovers Web site.
  • Read through the "Bad News" "Good News" and "How Loud is Too Loud" pages. Be sure to click on "Read More," and take notes as you go. Then take a look at the information on the site about how musicians tackle tinnitus.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, check out the Dangerous Decibals interactive link and test your knowledge of how noise can damage the health of your ears.

What is the measure of sound experts recommend at which you should wear earplugs?
Name three common sounds that measure above the 85 dB (decibel) level.
What causes noise-induced hearing loss?
Name three hearing conservation tips you can use to protect your hearing.
Explain how Beck's lyrics in "Nausea" as posted on the Web site could be describing the effects of hearing loss.
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