Economics: Today and Tomorrow © 2008

Chapter 10: Financing and Producing Goods

Student Web Activity

"Show Me the Money"

Small business owners can discover ways to raise startup money, expansion money, and venture capital for their businesses—all without ever leaving their computer terminals! Financing resources are accessible through the Internet, and using the Web in the search for funds can save the entrepreneur a great deal of time, effort, and maybe even income. Imagine you are a small business owner who is in need of capital to expand the business. Start at the Entrepreneur Magazine Web site to explore how the Internet can help you meet your financing needs.

Destination Title: Entrepreneur Magazine Web site

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Start at the Entrepreneur Magazine Web site.

  • Click on the "Money" tab at the top of the page.
  • Click on "Startup Financing" along the top.
  • Click on the "Finding Money Online" topic.
  • Read through the site, taking notes as you go. Be sure to read through the "Tug-O-War,” “Look ‘Em in the Eyes,” “Are you Blue?” "Venture Capital," “Web Site,” and "Pennies From Heaven" topics in this site to complete your research.

Using the information you gathered from this site, answer the following questions.

How can having your credit application on a Web site, like PrimeStreet, help the entrepreneur find financing?
What is the SBA's ACE-Net?
What tools does the Internet provide to help small business owners in their search for capital?
What do entrepreneurs need to do away from the Internet to get their businesses started?
Using your research, create a text-version home page of your business's Web site. Indicate your interest in finding investors, and promote your business in a way that others would find attractive. Remember to tell prospective investors about your business, your prospects for the future, and how they can contact you.
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