United States Government: Democracy in Action

Chapter 19: The Mass Media

The Mass Media

An example of electronic media is __________
A major wire service organization that employs reporters throughout the world to collect news stories for subscribers is __________
A)U.S. News and World Report.
C)Knight Ridder.
D)United Press International.
Top officials sometimes leak, or anonymously release, secret information to the media because they want to __________
A)influence the flow of information to the press.
B)give reporters the chance to ask about news releases.
C)establish connections with newspeople.
D)give tips to journalists to help their news coverage.
The mass media have fundamentally changed presidential nominations through horse-race coverage of primaries that focuses on __________
D)policy positions.
The federal government has more power to regulate the broadcast media than the print media because __________
A)the government wants to discourage a range of views.
B)the airwaves are considered to be a public resource.
C)an unlimited number of radio and television airwaves exist.
D)newspapers printed only coverage favorable to the government.
The Communications Decency Act of 1996 required that __________
A)the FCC increase communications access to public schools and libraries.
B)phone service cost less because 6 percent of Americans could not afford it.
C)utility companies and Internet providers be allocated more broadcast spectrum.
D)by 1998 all televisions sold in the United States must include the V-chip.
Tension between the need for the government to protect national security and the citizens' need to know are especially evident in __________
A)foreign affairs.
B)FCC regulations.
C)domestic policies.
D)tax reforms.
To broaden competition among broadcasters, cable companies, and telephone companies in order to lower costs to consumers, Congress passed the __________
A)Federal Communications Commission.
B)Telecommunications Act of 1996.
C)Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.
D)International Broadcasting Act of 1994.
The first president to master the broadcast media was __________
A)Bill Clinton.
B)Franklin Roosevelt.
C)John Kennedy.
D)Richard Nixon.
The most important power of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is to __________
A)discourage reporting on controversies.
B)censor radio and television broadcasts.
C)fining stations that violate FCC rules.
D)grant licenses to radio and television stations.
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