United States Government: Democracy in Action

Chapter 17: Elections and Voting

Elections and Voting

A campaign manager is responsible for __________
A)overall planning and strategy within the organization.
B)contacting voters and holding local rallies.
C)ringing doorbells and canvassing voters on the telephone.
D)making sure voters turn out to vote on Election Day.
Under the new election campaign laws, a candidate may not take contributions over $5,000 from a(n) __________
B)business organization.
C)political action committee (PAC).
D)labor union.
Before the American Revolution, eligible voters in the colonies included __________
A)free African American men.
B)few white and African American women.
C)all white males.
D)5 or 6 percent of the adult population.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 empowered the federal government to register voters in any district where __________
A)Spanish-speaking people made up a majority of the population.
B)Aleuts, Native Americans, and Asian Americans lived side by side.
C)local officials appeared to discriminate against African Americans.
D)African American candidates were running for office.
A voter who is caught between conflicting elements in his or her life, such as religion, income level, and peer group, is known as __________
A)a strong party voter.
B)a cross-pressured voter.
C)a weak party voter.
D)an independent voter.
A candidate who promises to increase Social Security would most probably win the vote of __________
A)a 19-year-old working mother.
B)a chronically unemployed person.
C)a small business owner.
D)a 68-year-old senior citizen.
When a party's convention is all decked out in patriotic symbols, it is trying to influence voters with the propaganda technique called __________
B)plain folks.
C)jump on the bandwagon.
The highest voting turnout is among __________
A)wealthy middle-aged citizens.
B)retired blue-collar workers.
C)current college students.
D)recent high school graduates.
To be elected president, a candidate must win __________
A)a plurality of electoral votes.
B)a majority of electoral votes.
C)a plurality of the popular vote.
D)both the electoral and popular vote.
Soft money refers to the unlimited amounts of money that __________
A)political action committees contribute to various candidates.
B)business organizations contribute to Republicans illegally.
C)parties raise for general purposes, not particular candidates.
D)labor unions contribute to Democrats illegally.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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