United States Government: Democracy in Action

Chapter 9: Presidential Leadership

Presidential Leadership

Americans came to expect the president to take a firm hand in directing the nation's economic as well as political life after the administration of __________
A)Lyndon Johnson.
B)Franklin D. Roosevelt.
C)Theodore Roosevelt.
D)Abraham Lincoln.
One way Congress limits the power of a president is by __________
A)misinterpreting instructions.
B)vetoing a president's power to carry out federal programs.
C)passing legislation over a president's veto.
D)ruling the president's programs unconstitutional.
One of the president's most important ceremonial duties as head of state is __________
A)serving as host to visiting heads of government.
B)meeting celebrities such as musicians.
C)throwing out the first ball of the baseball season.
D)lighting the national Christmas tree.
The Employment Act of 1946 gave the president the new duty of __________
A)deciding what government programs to cut back.
B)submitting an annual economic report to Congress.
C)controlling prices and wages by using 90-day freezes.
D)attending fundraising activities to raise money for the party.
Presidents show political courage when they go against public opinion if __________
A)they engage in informal give-and-take sessions with the public.
B)they insist on everything they want even if they risk losing everything.
C)the actions they take are vital to the nation's well-being.
D)they explain their policies clearly so the public understands their ideas.
Sometimes presidents demonstrate leadership by introducing bold new ideas, such as when President Truman announced measures to __________
A)intervene in a civil war in Bosnia.
B)cut federal taxes.
C)open diplomatic relations with China.
D)end discrimination against African Americans.
Presidential proposals and policies are well received by Congress when the __________
A)proposals involve controversial issues.
B)president can generate much public support.
C)public holds the president in low regard.
D)president fails to understand the mood of the people.
The right of the president and other high ranking officials with the president's consent to withhold information from Congress or a court is known as __________
A)executive privilege.
B)presidential isolation.
C)de facto presidency.
D)covert action.
The judicial powers of the president include __________
A)conducting foreign policy and making treaties.
B)being responsible for national security.
C)delivering an annual State of the Union message.
D)pardoning people convicted of federal crimes.
In the annual State of the Union Address to Congress, the president describes __________
A)political favors he or she plans to hand out to win support.
B)ideas about how to solve key problems facing the country.
C)the details of a legislative program reflecting the president's values.
D)a suggested budget and an annual economic report.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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