United States Government: Democracy in Action

Chapter 6: Development of Congressional Powers

Student Web Activity

"Overseeing Government"

In this chapter you have learned about the relationship between Congress and the president. You also have learned about constitutional powers, particularly the power of Congress to conduct investigations and practice legislative oversight. Oversight is an important responsibility of Congress and an important feature in our government's system of checks and balances. In this activity you will take a closer look at this function of Congress by studying the report of a bipartisan commission that reviewed intelligence activities.

Destination Title: Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence

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Start at the Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Commission report page of the Government Printing Office Web site.

  • Click on Next on the bottom of the page.
  • Scroll down and click on Chapter 14,Accountability and Oversight.
  • Browse through the article, taking notes as you go.
After you have read through the information, answer the following questions.

What special oversight arrangements did the executive and legislative branches make for intelligence?
How are intelligence agencies limited in the United States?
The Commission believes that the fixed tenure of committee members limits the effectiveness of intelligence oversight. Why is this so? What do you think might be the best solution to this problem?
The report of the commission discusses two problem areas. Describe one of the problems and the recommendations the commission makes to solve these problems.
The commission report points out that sometimes there have been disputes over access or that the process of oversight has not worked. Research a problem that has occurred in the past. Based on the results of your research, write a report similar to the one you have read in which you suggest how Congress can improve its oversight process.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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