United States Government: Democracy in Action

Chapter 5: The Organization of Congress

The Organization of Congress

Congress has used its taxing power to regulate business by __________
A)use the national census to determine its size.
B)limit its membership to 435 representatives.
C)set up congressional districts in the states.
D)decrease its number of representatives.
The Constitution states that members of the House of Representatives must be __________
A)residents in the states that elect them.
B)at least 30 years old.
C)natives of the United States.
D)living in their district for at least 7 years.
The main task of Congress is to __________
A)make laws.
B)follow rules.
C)debate issues.
D)serve on committees.
The Rules Committee has the power to decide __________
A)which committee studies a bill.
B)what bills are introduced.
C)when the House considers a bill.
D)who will be committee chairpersons.
When debating proposed legislation, senators are usually allowed to speak for __________
A)one hour each.
B)five minutes each.
C)one week at the most.
D)an unlimited time.
The Senate brings bills to the floor by __________
A)majority vote.
B)decision of the Rules Committee.
C)unanimous vote.
Committees help the public learn about key problems and issues by __________
A)holding hearings and investigations.
B)working out compromises.
C)specializing in certain topics.
D)listening to opponents of a bill.
The job of a conference committee is to __________
A)choose either the House or the Senate version of a bill.
B)resolve the differences between the two versions of a bill.
C)bargain over a bill as a whole, without amending it.
D)undo the work done on a bill by standing committees.
One job of an administrative assistant is __________
A)assisting the lawmaker in committee meetings.
B)handling requests from people in a lawmaker's state.
C)running the lawmaker's Washington, D.C., office.
D)introducing bills in the House or Senate.
The senior committee staff member largely responsible for changes in the nation's tax laws over a 14-year period was __________
A)Laurence Woodworth.
B)Mark Bisnow.
C)Lowell Weicker.
D)Thomas Jefferson.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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