Earth Science Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

Section 3: Human Impact on Air Resources

Self-Check Quizzes-English

What combines with atmospheric moisture to create acid precipitation?
A)carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
B)sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
C)nitrogen oxides and methane
D)carbon dioxide and ozone
_________ is the photochemical haze that is caused by the action of solar radiation in a polluted atmosphere.
A)Global warming
D)A cloud
What is global warming?
A)an increase in Earth's average surface temperature
B)an increase in the concentration of ozone
C)a decrease in the amount of deforestation
D)an increase in the temperature of the oceans
What is the relationship between ozone and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)?
A)CFCs make ozone molecules in the lower atmosphere.
B)CFCs destroy ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere.
C)CFCs make ozone easier to breathe.
D)CFCs and ozone help plants grow.
Which is NOT an affect the change shown in the figure would have on the air?
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A)potential CFC leakage from the air-conditioning and refrigeration units
B)smoke from store's chimney
C)greater chance of rain
D)increased pollution from cars
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