Earth Science Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

Section 2: Properties of the Atmosphere

Self-Check Quizzes-English

The ratio of water vapor in a volume of air, relative to how much water vapor that volume of air is capable of holding, is called __________.
A)relative humidity
C)the dew point
D)relative convection
Which layer of the atmosphere in the figure has the greatest pressure?
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What causes the wind to blow?
A)the difference in air pressure between air masses with different densities
B)the difference in pressure between air masses with the same temperatures
C)the difference in water vapor content between two air masses
D)the difference in temperature between air masses with the same pressure
Temperature inversions occur when a mass of warm air is trapped over a mass of cold air. What is a potential problem from the occurrence of an inversion?
A)Nights are unseasonably cooler.
B)Pollutants get trapped near Earth's surface.
C)Sunlight is prevented from reaching the surface.
D)Wind speeds are potentially stronger.
Which occurs during a temperature inversion?
A)Cold air rises, and warm air sinks.
B)Warm air rises, and cold air sinks.
C)A layer of cooler air is laid on top of a relatively cool layer of air.
D)A layer of warmer air is laid on top of a cool layer of air.
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