Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You © 2007

Chapter 20: Demand

Student Web Activity

"Consumer Rights"

In this chapter you have learned that economics is the study of how people use limited resources to meet unlimited wants or needs. Consumers, businesses, and governments all must make economic decisions based on scarcity. To make wise choices consumers must understand the type of economy they have and stay informed. All consumers should know that they have consumer rights as well as legal rights. In this activity you will take a closer look at how consumers can protect their interests when shopping on the Internet.

Destination Title: The Better Business Bureau Online

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window.
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Start at the BBB Online Web site.

  • Click on Resource Library.
  • Click on Tips.
  • Select “Top Ten Cyber Monday Tips for Staying Safe When Shopping Online.”

After reading through the information answer the following questions.

What event helped increase demand for Tickle Me Elmo?
Why didn’t suppliers already have a large supply of Tickle Me Elmo on hand?
What happened when there was a shortage of Tickle Me Elmos?
Once the public realized that there was a shortage of Tickle Me Elmos, what other things increased the demand even more?
Can you think of another product, for which demand increased as it did for the Tickle Me Elmo? Create an poster advertisement that would increase demand for a popular product.
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