The American Vision: Modern Times © 2008

Chapter 19: The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

What motivated Ho Chi Minh to launch a revolution in Vietnam in the mid-1940s?
A)He wanted to establish a Communist government in Vietnam.
B)He wanted U.S. troops to withdraw from Vietnam.
C)He wanted to win Vietnam’s independence from colonial authority.
D)He wanted to bring modernization to the impoverished villages of Vietnam.
Before the Geneva Accords, Vietnam was a part of __________.
A)French Indochina
All of the following swayed President Truman to involve the United States in Vietnam EXCEPT __________.
A)the Korean War
B)the fall of China to communism
C)fears of the spread of communism
D)United States support of colonialism
President Johnson deepened American involvement in Vietnam by being the first president to send __________.
A)financial aid for the South Vietnamese
B)combat troops into the conflict
C)political advisers to the nationalist government
D)military advisers to train the South Vietnamese
All of the following aided the Vietcong in their fight against the American military EXCEPT __________.
A)guerrilla warfare
B)surprise tactics
C)superior firepower
D)their ability to blend in with the general population
Why had President Johnson placed limits on the Vietnam War?
A)He did not want to draw China into the war.
B)He did not have the authority from Congress to order an invasion of North Vietnam.
C)He wanted to limit the expense of the war.
D)He was trying to keep American casualties to a minimum.
American confidence in the Johnson administration began to decline when __________.
A)President Johnson refused to run for reelection
B)frontline television coverage of the war conflicted with optimistic government reports
C)the Senate Foreign Relations Committee conducted educational hearings on the war program
D)the administration increased the draft call
Why did African American leaders grow vocal in their opposition to the Vietnam War?
A)Most African American leaders advocated nonviolent approaches to conflict resolution.
B)African American leaders believed that the South Vietnamese government was corrupt.
C)African American leaders thought that the government should make the problems at home its first priority.
D)African Americans made up a disproportionately large number of soldiers in Vietnam.
Why did many Americans oppose the American invasion of Cambodia?
A)because they saw Cambodia as a neutral nation in the conflict
B)because they saw the invasion as an expansion of the war
C)because they wanted the United States to aim its military offensives against North Vietnam
D)because they thought peace negotiations would fail after an invasion of Cambodia
The nation learned all of the following lessons from the Vietnam War experience EXCEPT that __________.
A)veterans suffer when their sacrifices in war go unrecognized
B)it is important for the executive and legislative branches of government to have the proper checks and balances in matters of war and foreign policy
C)no matter what challenge our nation faces, Americans’ faith in their government is unshakable
D)careful consideration is necessary before intervening in the affairs of other nations
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