The American Vision: Modern Times © 2008

Chapter 12: Roosevelt and the New Deal

Roosevelt and the New Deal

Before winning the presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt had served in all of the following positions EXCEPT __________.
B)state senator
C)assistant secretary of the navy
D)vice president
Which of the following BEST describes why bank runs greatly increased just before Roosevelt took office?
A)Many people wanted to convert their savings to gold in case Roosevelt abandoned the gold standard.
B)Many people were afraid that Roosevelt’s progressive policies would worsen economic conditions.
C)Many people believed they would need the cash if the Depression deepened.
D)Many people wanted the cash to invest in the stock market before stock prices rose again.
Roosevelt based his New Deal programs on ideas that came from __________.
A)the platform of the Democratic Party
B)government programs that had been effective in past Depressions
C)his diverse group of advisors
D)the Supreme Court justices
Some advisors in the Roosevelt administration supported the regulation of industry and labor because __________.
A)they believed that regulations would reduce competition in the marketplace
B)they thought regulations would keep competition fair
C)they believed that the government should run all phases of the economy
D)they wanted to punish the business leaders that they blamed for the Depression
Which First New Deal programs hired single men, age 18 to 25, for natural resource conservation?
A)Federal Emergency Relief Administration
B)Civil Works Administration
C)Civilian Conservation Corps
D)Public Works Administration
The American Liberty League opposed the New Deal because __________.
A)Roosevelt had begun deficit spending to pay for the New Deal’s programs
B)Roosevelt’s programs did not require wealthy Americans to share their wealth
C)the New Deal did not call for the nationalization of the banking system
D)the New Deal did not protect the elderly
The Social Security Act established the principle that __________.
A)the federal government is responsible for the economic welfare of those who are unable to work
B)the federal government has the legal right to impose payroll taxes on workers and employers
C)the Supreme Court cannot interfere with contributors’ legal right to collect benefits
D)workers should stop working at the age of 65
Roosevelt sent a bill to Congress that would increase the number of Supreme Court justices because __________.
A)he thought that the justices were overworked
B)he wanted to destroy his political enemies
C)he wanted more ethnic diversity in the Court
D)he wanted the attitudes of the American people to be more fairly represented
All of the following weakened Roosevelt’s support during his second term EXCEPT __________.
A)his decision to cut federal spending
B)his court-packing plan
C)the economic recession of 1937
D)his support of the National Housing Act
The New Deal brought about a new public attitude that government __________.
A)had a duty to maintain safeguards that protected citizens against economic disaster
B)played a minor role in the daily lives of individuals
C)should participate in deficit spending
D)needed to maintain regulations on industry, labor, and agriculture even during times of prosperity
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