The American Vision: Modern Times © 2008

Chapter 10: The Jazz Age

The Jazz Age

Warren G. Harding's cabinet was known as __________.
A)the Normalcy Gang
B)the Ohio Gang
C)the Teapot Gang
D)Harding's Men
In the Teapot Dome scandal, one of Harding's cabinet officers __________.
A)accepted bribes in exchange for the lease of U.S. Navy oil reserves
B)accepted bribes in exchange for pardons
C)accepted bribes in exchange for the sale of a German company
D)pocketed the proceeds from the sale of publicly owned goods
Henry Ford's industrial innovations included all of the following EXCEPT _________.
A)raising workers' wages
B)shortening the workweek
C)introducing the assembly line in automobile production
D)welcoming unions
Which describes the factors that led to the "quiet depression" in American agriculture after World War I?
A)Technological advances of the 1920s failed to address the agricultural industry.
B)Weather factors led to disappointing crop yields.
C)Demand for crops increased, but farmers' prices dropped.
D)European demand for crops dropped, while farmers' debts remained the same.
For women of the 1920s, new fashions represented __________.
A)their traditional values
B)the nation’s growing urbanism
C)their new social, economic, and intellectual freedoms
D)the new wonders of industrialism
Most of the works of artists and writers of the 1920s could be characterized as __________.
A)depicting the challenges of the individual in the modern world
B)drawing inspiration from natural environments
C)attempting to convey the romanticism of the period
D)representing Americans’ return to traditional values
__________, one of the most famous writers of the 1920s, exposed the emptiness of modern society in his novel The Great Gatsby.
A)Ernest Hemingway
B)F. Scott Fitzgerald
C)Carl Sandburg
D)Eugene O’Neill
During the 1920s, the popularity of mass media, such as radio, movies, newspapers, and magazines, had the effect of __________.
A)fostering a national culture
B)making Americans feel disillusioned with urbanization
C)increasing interest in traditional values
D)creating regional barriers
Which theme characterized the writing of the Harlem Renaissance?
A)a desire to return to Africa
B)a call for self-reliance
C)proud defiance of racism
D)the importance of assimilating into American culture
African American voters __________ to elect the first African American representative in Congress from a Northern state.
A)used propaganda
B)used political lobbying
C)used the influence of the NAACP
D)voted as a bloc
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