Sociology & You

Chapter 9: Inequalities of Race and Ethnicity

Student Web Activites

"Discrimination in the United States"

In this chapter you learned about inequalities regarding race and ethnicity and patterns of racial and ethnic relation. You learned the difference between prejudice and discrimination, as well as what sociologists mean by the terms minority, race, and ethnicity. Stereotypes, or sets of distorted, exaggerated, or oversimplified images that are applied to a category of people, appear throughout any society. The treatment of African and Asian Americans in the United States are just two examples of stereotyping and discrimination in American history. There are numerous articles dealing with these discriminations and how they have changed over the years. In this activity you will take a closer look at the experiences of African Americans during the early 1900s, the migration of Asian Americans to the United States , as well as changes that have occurred over time with these groups.

Web sites
Separate Is Not Equal
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas of 1954 paved the way for significant opportunities in our society for African Americans—especially for equal justice, fairness, and education. Read about this court case and how it has carried on into today.

Understanding Discrimination Against Asian Americans
Read about the history of Asian migration to the United States and how their lives have changed over the past several hundred years. Think about how they are discriminated against in comparison to African Americans.

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Choose a current situation you have experienced in your life that deals with stereotyping or discrimination. Situations may include race, sex, ethnicity, personal interests (such as band, chess club, or science club), weight, or disabilities. Describe in detail, in an essay format, your experience(s) and how you perceive that to fit into today's world. Do you think this person is treated fairly? How would you help change the situation? Give examples.

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