Sociology & You

Chapter 3: Culture

Student Web Activites


In this chapter you learned about culture and all of the various components that comprise the culture of a given society, such as norms and values, beliefs, and material and nonmaterial elements. One of the most important ways in which culture is transmitted from one generation to the next is through language. In this activity you will take a closer look at language: what it is, how it is learned, and how it influences culture and society.

Web sites
Language and Culture
Click through all of the topics on this Introduction to Human Language Web site. Concentrate on the topics “Learning Language” and “Language and Thought Processes” thoroughly to help you with the activity below.
This Web site provides an example of a different regional way of speaking in the United States . Read through this article and think about different ways of speaking that occur around where you live.

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window. Need help using your browser for this activity? Click here for tips.


Conduct a short interview with someone you know who learned English as a second language, either as a child or in adulthood. Ask the person what differences they noticed between their native language and English, and what were the easiest and most difficult aspects of the English language to learn. Did they take classes or do anything special to advance their mastery of the language? What language do they use when they think or dream? Write a one-page summary of your interview and share your results with the class.

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